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Glunz & Jensen A/S moves their activities to new locations in Nyborg

아크로팬 : 류재용기자 | 기사입력 : 2017년 11월 14일 12시 09분
As part of restructuring their business, Glunz & Jensen A/S will merge departments across Denmark and move their activities and headquarter to Nyborg, the eastern part of Funen.

This will take place from January 1, 2018, where the company will move into new locations on Lindholm Havnevej 33 in Nyborg. The 5.800m2 buildings are situated directly at the beautiful harbor front and combines offices and production facilities.

René Normann Christensen, CEO of Glunz & Jensen: "We look forward to moving into our new premises in Nyborg. As an international company, many ends need to meet. Apart from moving our headquarter staff, we will also be moving our Danish production, spare parts stock and R&D. All in all, we look forward to becoming part of the business community in Nyborg.”

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