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Album Preview Concert for Hyukoh's First Regular Album '23' by DuruDuruAMC

아크로팬 : 류재용기자 | 기사입력 : 2017년 04월 24일 22시 54분
▲ It was able to listen to the entire album by playing music videos and listening to music. (Photo By: DuruDuruAMC)

On April 24, Monday, at 3pm, Hyukoh's management company 'DuruDuruAMC' held an album preview concert at Seoul D Museum for Hyukoh's first regular album '23,' released at 6pm on the day. The members of the band attended at this concert, having time with the first release of the 12 songs of the regular album, the album talk and a Q&A session.

The track list of Hyukoh's first regular album 'HYUKOH : 23' is composed of 12 songs. At the concert, a full album was played, and the three songs, 'Leather Jacket', 'Tomboy' and 'Wanli万里', were first presented in music video. In particular, among them, 'Wanli万里' caught the eyes since it is a music video in which all the members of Hyukoh band appear.

After listening to songs and watching music video, the band members gave brief greetings. The guitarist Lim Hyun-jae said, "Thank you for being able to have such concert where we can present album prepared for a long time." The leader Oh Hyuk said, "I am little nervous since such place is my first time. We worked hard for two years, and worked hard again (laugh). Thank you very much." The drummer Lee In-woo said, "I am very nervous about the album, and I want to perform more in the future with better songs." Lastly, the bassist Lim Dong-geon said, "I am very nervous because this is my first time. Thank you very much."

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